Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Top Detox Tips for a Rejuvinating New Year

The holidays were awesome this year. No doubt about that. Family gatherings, snowy walks, flights to the ocean, dinners out with the fam, and lots of wonderful presents made for a rather enjoyable two weeks.

But if your holidays were anything like mine, you may feel a teensy bit depleted after all that activity and heavy food.

Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier. 
I'm used to eating all organic, meditating daily, and getting at least 15 minutes of exercise in every day. This routine keeps me healthy and feeling centred. When you’re visiting family, however, it’s not exactly possible to have full control over the menu and the day's activities. Inevitably I had to relinquish control and just go with the flow - I ended up eating processed sugar, missing my daily meditations, and having a fair dose of non-organic food. The result? Many pimples, low energy, lower moods than usual, and a not so subtle message from the body that sounds something like this: “OMG.. detox.. now.. DETOX!

So now that it's January 2nd, and the last of the holiday feasts are over, it's time to detox. And I’m STOKED! I am such a huge fan of taking care of myself. It is the best feeling ever to feel clear, grounded, centred, inspired, and full of energy.

For those who are joining me on this health fiesta, I'm sharing my top detox tips.

My Top Detox Tips:

Oil Pulling

Oil puling is the act of swishing high quality oil (sunflower and sesame are recommended) in your mouth, first thing in the morning, for 20 minutes. The process draws out toxins from your body, through your mouth, and can help with a variety of health conditions. I started oil pulling before the holidays, and noticed my skin cleared up after just a few days. To read a full article on the how-tos and benefits, please click here.

Yoga & Exercise

There is no doubt about it - exercise is an absolutely necessary component of any detox regime. It serves to move and unblock any stagnant energy in your system, while releasing any excess energy. Yoga is especially great for this, as it was designed to unblock and stimulate the energy meridians in your body, leaving you with a clear head, and a detoxed physique.

Lemon Water

Hydration is incredibly important for the detox process. Adding in some lemon to the mix will boost it's effectiveness. Lemon is a natural detoxifier (remember your mom making hot honey and lemon water when you were sick?) and it also is extremely alkalizing when it enters the body. Having a slightly alkaline pH of the blood is key to maintaing health, and preventing a host of diseases, like cancer. To read up on Kris Carr's version of the alkaline/acid balance, click here.


Chlorella is a green algae that can be taken in powder or pill form. It's a powerful blood purifier, detoxifier, energy booster, and is extremely high in chlorophyll, which among other things, has a profound anti-aging effect. If you buy the pill form, just eat it straight. If you go for the powder, you can add it to your smoothies, or simply in a glass of water. Chlorella is available at most heath food stores - When you're buying, look for an organic brand with a cracked cell wall (which heightens your bodies ability to absorb the nutrients). To read more about chlorella, click here.

Salt Water Baths 

Salt Water baths are extremely detoxing, not to mention relaxing, and completely all about self-love. Pour in a cup of epsom or himalayan salts into your bath, and get soaking! You can also add a large piece of quartz at the end of the bathtub, to help draw away any toxins from your energetic body. I suggest having one at least 2x a week while you're detoxing.

Clean Sources of Protein

In all likelihood, you had your fair share of meat over the holidays. If you're a meat-eater, try switching up your sources of protein over the next few weeks. Most nutritionists are in agreement that meat isn't the healthiest form of protein  -  it's highly acidic, and animal protein is not easily accessible for your body to break down. For your detox, try unconventional protein sources like hemp hearts, organic almonds, bee pollen, goji berries, maca, or sprouts. 

Additional Advice:

I only included the ‘add-ins’ as the traditional detox usually includes getting rid of processed sugar, dairy, meat, alcohol, and caffeine. I also recommend getting rid of pesticides and any unnecessary pharmaceuticals.

If you’re going to engage in a detox, avoid the mentality of “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t” every time a piece of food or drink comes your way. It’s not about feeling restricted, it’s about feeling liberated. What you’re really doing is adding in so much good stuff, that there isn’t any room for the bad stuff. It also helps to have organic, sugar free treats around for when you want a sweet but can’t have the leftover holiday baking.

As Young and Raw says: "Instead of focusing on all the things to eliminate from your diet, focus on what you're adding in." 

Happy detoxing, and let me know how you’re doing through my facebook page, or through the comments below.


  1. Beth you are fantastic... Love the oil pulling!! Be sure to spit into the garbage afterward! To avoid hard to clean build up in the sink <3

  2. Haha definitely, I have been spitting in the yard. Very important to note!!
    Love xo

  3. More and more scientific trials and studies are finding that a positive outlook and emotional contentment have a beneficial effect on our physical health, while those with a negative view of the world fare less well health-wise. Why not use the time when you are cleansing your body during a detox to try a deep cleanse of your emotions as well? detox
