Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 More Ways to Get Your Self-Love On

Allright my lady loves - the last week of the Self-Love Challenge is here! But really.. this is actually only the beginning. I tricked you. Now that you're on this self-love path you'll never be able to stop. Tehehehe. OK, if you forgive me for being so sneaky, please read on and discover the final 7 ways to love yourself this week.

Part 3 - The Self-Love Challenge

Day 20 -  Meditate with Mama Gaia

While in human bodies, our spirits need to connect with both the Cosmos and Mother Earth, in order to feel a true sense of satisfaction. Often times, however, we are stuck in the city, with lots of errands to run, and people to meet, and don't get much of a chance to connect with nature. And that's OK, because, while nature walks are great (see last week's self-love post), getting out into the wild isn't the only way to connect. Through meditation, we can invite some of the frequency of the Goddess Gaia, into our lives, calming our days, grounding us, and helping us to live more in tune with our natural cycles.

To do this, simply take 10-15 minutes of uninterrupted time, put on some rain or ocean sounds if you please, and imagine yourself in your perfect paradise - whether that be a tropical rainforest, or on the edge of an white topped mountain. Let your mind create details about this vision, finishing off the meditation by saying aloud "Thank you, Mother Earth, for infusing your essence into this day. I invite you to be a larger part of my life, from this day forward."

Day 21 - Do Something That Scares You

Today's activity is do something that scares you. Not in the way of 'Oh my god, never ever would I want to do that' kinda scary, but the 'Ohhh divine essence of love power holy moly I wish I had the guts'   kinda scary. Maybe it's sky diving, saying hello to a stranger, or rocking some red pants. Whatever it is, I'm challenging you to listen to that still small voice inside, and just DO IT!

To give you a boost, and to take my own advice, I created a video of something that scares me.. but it's what I really love to do - SING!

Day 22 - Create a Sacred Space for Your Jewelry

I don't know about you, but my jewelry is pretty precious to me. Not in the sense that if I lose it I would freak out, but more so in the way that I just love how I feel when I look and wear my pieces.

So today, take a moment to gather your favourite jewelry - the stuff that makes you feel truly amazing, and create a sacred space for it. I choose to keep my crystal necklaces in a black box filled with rice in my bathroom. The rice, and colour black, allows the crystals to have more of a rest, and to ground their energies after I wear them for the day. But really, there are so many fun ways to store and display your jewelry (check out this fun pinterest DIY for example)

Day 23 - Invite Ritual into your Night

Rituals are any activities that vibrate with a sacred essence, something we do for the love of it, while holding the awareness that our actions create powerful ripples that permeate the cosmos. (Yes, they're that deep!) However rituals don't have to be scary or big, in order to be effective. Take this small, yet loving ritual - I burned sweetgrass the other night to invite positive vibrations into my space, while taking the time to observe how truly beautiful the moment was, as the grass mixed with fire and my new clear quartz pendant.

What will your ritual be? A soothing bath followed by pampering yourself with rose body lotion? Perhaps a meditation holding a piece of citrine, a walk in the park while connecting with the trees, or even saying grace before eating a meal with your beloveds. It's up to you!

Day 24 - Create a Heart Opening Elixer

All substances are made of energy, and food is no different. By acknowledging this, we can work with our foods + drinks to create profound healing opportunities at any time. For example, over the last few days I've been soaking organic rose petals and schizandra berries in my water. The result is a water that is loaded with the vibration of these heart opening and purifying substances, creating a heart opening elixer that is truly a treat to drink.

Day 25 - Light a Candle

Man made lighting can sometimes be draining. In fact, Doreen Virtue says that a whole host of new diseases started to appear shortly after the incandescent light bulb was invented. This isn't to say you should live in the darkness every night, but just for today, try lighting a beeswax (the key being non-paraffin) candle, turning everything else off, and soaking up a candle lit evening.

Day 26 - Follow the Self-Love Tour

2 of my fellow entrepreneurs and wellness activists, Alison Leipzig and Natalie Berthold, have created a series that is dedicated to investigating the latest in self-love. Their first episode aired on Valentine's Day, and in it, they interview an expert in skin care, exploring just how you can care for your largest organ. To keep updated with the series, which is super cute and so refreshing, please visit

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