Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Will You Love Yourself This Week? Part 2 of the Self-Love Challenge

I have to apologize for this post being so late. It was an act of self-love that caused this to be so, so it is all working out very nicely, even if my ego is telling me I should feel guilty for not posting it on the weekend. (When this happens I just acknowledge it and move on to the feelings of goodness inside)

I was selling at Market Collective this past weekend, a really amazing collaboration of artists and food vendors who come together to support each other  and local. It was a wonderful weekend, (which ended with booking a last minute trip to Hawaii!) but it definitely took it out of me. That coupled with my period (Im very open with these things...), my boyfriend's birthday, and parties and dinners, - I chose to spend my free time having baths and reading, instead of hurrying to the computer and my to-do list.

Now that I'm finally feeling my energy creep back, I am back in action for the month of self-love. So here are some more ideas to help you realize that you do love yourself, that you are wonderful, and that you do deserve an abundance of self-care time. Remember, self-love is all about service - to yourself, and to the world.

Part 2 - The Self-Love Challenge Continues

Day 13 - Switch Out The Old For the New - Body Products Style

Your pores, your hair - all the spaces on your body - are sponges. They drink in whatever you put on them. Therefore, if you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't be putting it on your body. So many of us do the internal work - we buy the books, we spend time meditating, we might even do yoga, juice or pray - HOWEVER -  there is a major deficiency in terms of translating this type of self-care into body products. 

I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a yoga studio, or a conscious friend's house, and seen name brand, chemical filled body products on their shelves. It's something many of us just don't think about. But switching from Herbal Essences or Aveda to an organic product will not only help you to be happier and clearer, but it will also help the planet in a major way (because animals and the ocean don't like chemicals either). Today, go out to your natural health food store and choose an organic product that speaks to you.

Day 14 - Write the Miracles Down

Miracles happen to us so often. Every single day, miraculous things are happening, yet it's up to us to perceive them. The other day, I followed an intuitive hit to go for a walk before getting into my car, and not 2 minutes later did I discover a mass of feathers on the ground (which are very hard to find in winter since birds need them to keep warm!) - I'd been wanting some to create more dreamcatchers with! It was such a miracle that I decided to take a picture. But SO many miraculous things happened to me that day (like sparrows coming close to me, and discounts at stores being had) - it's just a matter of slowing down enough to honour the little things, that honestly, really aren't so little.

Today, write down everything wonderful that happens to you. As you honour the miracles, watch how many more come into your life, simply because you took the time to say thank you. 

Day 15 - Spend Time in Nature

Most of us realize that nature has an undeniable calming effect on us. The fresh air and open skies help us to feel reinvigorated and renewed, while helping us to feel grounded and alive. The thing is, a lot of us aren't actually getting out there. We might take walks around the neighbourhood, or go for quick runs, but when was the last time you took a solid chunk of time just to explore? To go to a space that felt sacred, and to do nothing other than feel, listen, and breathe?

Today, plan a day that you can take off and head to the mountains, a lake, a beach, a desert - whatever nature paradise is around you that you need to take more advantage of. And just be :) Enjoy, and let Nature do her thang.

Day 16 - Experience a Green Juice

I am obsessed with green juice. It is literally a very potent drug that gives you instant energy, and a fresher perspective on life. Juicing gets rid of the fibrous pulp, so your body doesn't have to anything but absorb the easily digestible minerals + vitamins that it otherwise would have to work much harder for. The green colour also corresponds to the heart chakra, waking it up to the potential of love everywhere it looks. 

If you don't have a juicer, head to the closest juice bars - if you don't know where to find them - ask! Green Juice is becoming very popular these days :)

Day 17 - Write Down Your Core Desired Feelings

Manifesting your dreams starts with manifesting the feelings you'd like to cultivate in your life. And taking some time to get clear on what you really desire in your life is a complete action of self-love. 

Danielle LaPorte calls this process of getting clear: identifying your "Core Desired Feelings" - ask yourself "How do I want to feel?" - Grab your journal, a cup of steaming tea, and get brainstorming!

Day 18 - Get a House Plant

House plants are wonderful - not just because they are pretty to look at, but because they cycle air the way nature intended for us to breathe it. Being inside often, especially if you're in the city, means we're not breathing air that's truly alive. This can be remedied by getting a house plant (or a few!), and keeping them in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc. Our house is very fond of houseplants - we have more than a dozen!

Day 19 - Buy Yourself Something You Feel Delicious In

There's mindless shopping that you do because you're trying to distract yourself. And then there's self-love shopping that you do because you want to treat yourself to something fun. This day's task is all about the latter. 

I've been wanting a comfy, warm sweater in a great colour for a while now, and I found this chunky red knit at a vintage store down the street from my home recently! Going into the shop and trying on all the different options, touching fabrics, and having fun with options was fun - as was scoring the perfect find. Today, treat yourself to a certain something that you've been putting off, but you really want from a place of truth. 

Happy Self-Loving Friends! Make sure to comment below or on the facebook page with any more ideas you may have on how to love yourself more :)

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