Friday, June 22, 2012

Sobbing on a bathroom floor

{ Inspecting an ancient fallen tree } 
I recently found myself sobbing on a strange bathroom floor, totally entranced by the emotions that were finally pouring out of me. For too long I have been stuffing away emotion, beginning in my teen years when I used to forcefully tell myself “STOP!” whenever I sensed tears. This fear of unhappy emotion inevitably lead to a numbness that encompassed not just the icky stuff, but the good stuff as well.
After a walk in an ancient forest, and a lower-chakra stimulating tea, I realized how profoundly scared I still am of feeling. That’s what lead me to the shedding of tears in that bathroom. And that’s what lead me to this discovery: “In order to feel love, I have to feel my pain.” 

{ Fun fact: This is where they filmed an instalment of Star Wars }
{ The view from under the canopy }
{ Taking a moment to connect }
{ Beautiful rings resting on a giant }
{ Journeying off the path }
{ Mocassins on an impromtu pathway }
Photos 1, 5, 7 & 8 by Sara Rose McKenna of Social City Networking.

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