Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Colour Therapy: Pink

I adore pink. I never did paint my room with the hue, or wear outfit upon outfit of the colour, but I’ve always appreciated how it makes me feel. And no wonder, as it’s vibration has powerful healing capabilities - pink is the colour of divine love, it’s a symbol to “let love in” - allowing you to open your heart, heal heart problems (both of an emotional and physical variety) while inviting tranquility and unconditional love into your life. 

So how can you benefit from these super sweet properties? Here are a couple of my favourite ways to work with the healing energy of pink:

  • Visualize yourself surrounded by a tube of pink light. (Doreen Virtue teaches this) This will help shield you from any waves of negativity that people bring near you, while helping both individuals involved with it’s soothing rays. 

  • Wear it! Pull out your pink on days when you feel like you want to celebrate love, or at time when you’re craving some sisterly support.

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