Sunday, November 4, 2012

What A Night of Puking Taught Me

Stretched out over the toilet after my most recent stomach hurl, I had to remind myself "This is the worst it feels, it gets better right after you puke."

It was my 6th, or 7th vomit of the night, and I was tired, wondering, "What the heaven is going on?" It had been over 7 years since I last puked from anything other than a night of drinking (University...)

Fast forward 12 hours, and I've had lots of time to contemplate, as I laid in my bed. In hopes of getting clarity on what was going on, I texted my mom first thing this morning, and she asked me "What makes you feel so vile you need to puke?" and I knew instantly - environmental pollution. Consistent chemicals, fear, and anger being sent towards the Earth. It had been building up for a few days, and apparently my body couldn't take it anymore. It needed to release.

And that's when I realized. This isn't working. My outlook isn't working. I can't continue to see smog, ignorance, greed, and poison affecting our planet, or I'll end up with many more days of illness and anger.

Perspective is everything. Sometimes I find it so easy to look at the world with love and light, and other times, like today, all I see is fear and it makes me feel constricted, like I don't know what to do and have nowhere to go.

Can you relate? Maybe your crutch isn't the environment, but poverty, abuse, or greed. Maybe you didn't puke because of it, but you feel sad inside, empty, as if you can't escape the so called "realities" of this world.

But there is a better way. A change of perspective is everything, and though it's hard, it's the only thing that will save us, it's the only thing that will save this beautiful planet. We must be committed to seeing the world with light, even in the midst of such darkness. We must find the beauty in the moment.  We must change what we see before what we see changes.

I'm choosing to do this today through commitment to a better way, affirmations, and prayer. I know that when I make a step, the Universe responds to me tenfold. What is your plan of action? How will you overcome darkness and climb to higher thoughts? Meditation, a phone call with a close friend, a funny movie? Whatever it may be, do it with love, and do it now. The world needs your light, and so do I.

We're in this together, friends.

xo Beth

Ps. Please read this wonderful blog by Gabby Bernstein if you related to this blog.

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