Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Blue Room - The Sacred Aspect of Fear

{This post is a continuation of the story that began here, which chronicles my adventures in Hawaii. Please read it before continuing :) }

The descent to the water's edge was steep, and all of a sudden, things got silent. Not just physically silent, but deeply spiritually, and energetically silent. It reminded me of walking into a centuries old European cathedral, the sacredness infected you, and deliciously demanded respect.

After undressing into just a bathing suit, I jumped in.

It was a complete and utter shock, I couldn't help but laugh. I felt as though a million crystals had just blasted me, and bliss became me. 

As we swam closer to the darkness however, a sense of fear crept up. Stories Nick had shared of mythical 7 foot reptilians called the Mo'o inhabiting the caves started to penetrate me.

Thanks to for the image
As I kept moving and swimming around, Nick invited me to swim into a more gentle cave, off on the side. With his encouragement, I felt shaky confidence to keep swimming into the shimmering, blue aquatic den. The ancient mineral formations were only a foot or two over my head, and the dazzling blue water was unexplainably bright for the lack of sunlight that could reach the cave.

As I was making my way back to the shore, I saw a clear and distinct shape in the water. It was unmistakeable - not a shadow, but a clear, crisp, vision of something lurking below. And that's when I freaked out.

Flailing, all I could do was say "Help me, help me, help me" in a panic to Archangel Ariel, the goddess-like angel who is the most connected to the environment and animals.

After frantically swimming back to shore, I began to feel better. Despite, actually, because of the fear that was brought up, I had just had a totally sacred experience. The cave exuded a dark, cold, mysterious energy - one that was not unkind, just distinctly different to anything I'd ever experienced before in waking life. It brought out fear in me so it could be washed away by the primal waters, by the cave's depths, by the void.

I'll never know whether that shapes I saw was simply a rock, or something much deeper, but I do know one thing. The vision of that scene will be forever imprinted in my memory.

{The story continues next week}

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