You meditate regularily. You're keeping your thoughts positive. You go to yoga, are a devotee of
Gabrielle Bernstein, and drink the odd green juice.
You're doing everything "right", but you seem to be blocked in some way. Things aren't happening as fast as you'd like them to. You feel a bit scattered, as if all of your energy isn't in one place.
And that's because it isn't.
There's something that most speakers, authors, and motivational peeps aren't talking about. (With the exception of a few, namely
Doreen Virtue and
Kris Carr)
Our daily choices dictate whether our energy is aligned or scattered. |
This something is key to aligning your energy,
so you have more power, more authenticity behind every move. It is the secret to actual real and tangible change on this planet. It is where positive intention meets guided action.
And it all has to do with the
daily choices we make. The places we choose to spend our dollars. I'm going to get right to the point:
Most if not all big box, brand name cleaning supplies, body products, clothing, and food products are ravaging the planet, as well as it's people, and animals.
toxins are found in shampoos, all purpose cleaners, etc that cannot be filtered out by our city's water system. They inevitably
leach into our waterways - streams, rivers, and oceans, killing ecosystems, and affecting the quality of our air, our food, and our planet.
Companies like Johnson & Johnson, who own Band-Aid and Aveeno, and Procter & Gamble
test on animals. They try out cleaning supplies and pesticides in alarming ways (like feeding dogs pesticides), corroding their bodies, and more.
Most clothing made in China (and beyond) comes from sweatshops, where workers are beyond inhumanely treated, forced to work insane hours to make yet another low quality sweater which may be thrown out in months.
From toothpaste to all purpose cleaner, the more natural & plant based, the better. |
I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. I'm already feeling a little bit sick. I spent the better part of a year researching the systems which provide us most of the products on the market today, and in a word - they're disgusting. They're not only toxic for the planet, but for our bodies and minds as well. They're making us sick.
On a manifestation level, when we say one thing and do differently, it's out of alignment with our truths.
When we feel love for the ocean, for animals, and for fair trade practices, yet we consistently put our money towards systems that are killing them, we aren't walking our talk. And as such, we don't take advantage of what happens when our actions reflect our beliefs - groundedness, authenticity, honesty. The very vibrations that help us to manifest quickly, and live joyously.
Please keep in mind,
this is not about guilt. Previously, when you've purchased brands like
Herbal Essences,
Tide, and
American Eagle, you didn't know what systems were behind them. You didn't know the backstory to each of those products.
This isn't about perfection either. It's about progress. One step at a time we can live more authentically. And while most of us aren't able to 100% get off these systems just yet (I'm still reliant on the oil & gas industry myself) it's important that
we take the first step. That is
the most important one.
So now you know the real story,
it's time to empower yourself by changing these actions. Making over your entire product list may seem daunting, so start small. Change out one shiesty product for one ethical one every week, and watch your life change.
I promise. Your life will change.
Here's what I'd recommend:
Cleaning Supplies
Substitute with a brand like
Seventh Generation, or
make your own.
Body Products
Check out
Sea Wench Naturals,
Aubrey Organics,
Jason, or support a local business.
Ethical Ocean,
Riva's Eco Store, or shop at trendy thrift stores!
Shop Organic & Local whenever possible and always
avoid GMOs (think non-organic corn, soy, and canola to start with)