Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What is a Goddess? + 5 Ways to Be One

What is a Goddess?

Do images of lingerie clad Victoria's Secret models come to mind? Or perhaps intricate portraits of cultural icons?

What does it really mean to embody the Goddess?

Firstly, Goddess energy has nothing to do with appearance, so you can throw the 6 pack boobalicious image out the window. Yes, the Goddess ADORES beauty, and loves to feel sensual, but she operates under no illusion that beauty comes in only one form. Moreover, she realizes her essence - her spirit - and her connection to all life, is her true beauty. The skin, hair, and body of the human physique are beautiful indeed, but they are simply a manifestation of the spirit within.

The Goddess operates from a place of feminine power. This is different than the logical, directive force of the masculine. The Goddess is more gentle, but equally as powerful. She is receptive and nurturing, and she delights in the sensual pleasures of the world.

She accepts her 'flaws' as beautiful, acceptable aspects of the creature she is. Her mission is to be a channel for light and love.

So how can we activate this Goddess energy? 

Our world is in need of women to step into their feminine power. The recent few millennia have been dominated by a patriarchal culture, and in order to see the shift we really desire to see in the world (think clean water, people everywhere loving and respecting Gaia, all feeling taken care of and loved) - we Goddesses need to shine. Here are 5 easy ways to let your feminine powerhouse emerge:

1) Get In Touch With Water

Water resonates with our main Goddess centre - our 2nd chakra. This energetic centre just below our navel is all about creativity, sensuality, emotion, and feminine power. It's also associated heavily with the element of WATER, that flowing, delicious force that can be as gentle as a still pond, or as powerful as a torrential waterfall.

When we activate our water essence, we activate our Goddess essence. Try being extremely conscious of your relationship with water. Bless your drinking water, feel the droplets of the shower sensually run over your body, delight in a rain shower, and start to contemplate the life giving properties of this otherworldly elixer.

2) Release Competition

There's nothing that smothers our Goddess essence quite like competition with another Goddess. Although we all do it from time to time, it's best to become conscious of when our mind tells us that we are better or worse in some way than another woman. The Goddess supports, and nurtures. She THRIVES on sisterhood. 

Next time you catch yourself in a moment of competition, simply breathe deeply, and give the thought to your inner guide, making a commitment to find at least one delightful quality in this woman, as WELL as yourself. Don't forget to forgive the thought - we've been conditioned that way, after all.

3) Feel the Wind

My friend Madeline at Blossom Apotheke recently relayed a philosophy she loved from a woman she follows - Nature is your best beauty attendant. The wind is your brush, caressing your hair lightly, rousing it in the perfect way. The sun sparkles, and makes you glow. The soil beneath your feet grounds you, and offers you presence. A rainfall is the ultimate spa treatment.

How delicious is that? Get in touch with this way of being by feeling your hair fall gently on your shoulders. Notice how it feels. Pretty sensual right? Make it a practice of feeling the subtle yet exotic way of the little things.

4) Eat Chocolate

Or anything decadent for that matter. But here is the most important part - SLOW DOWN to enjoy it! Feel the silky smooth sweet and bitter play off each other, melting and swirling around your tongue. Make it a practice to, at least once a day, sit down, close your eyes, and do nothing else but enjoy the food as it enters you. This will alight your 2nd chakra. (Pleasure and the 2nd chakra go hand in hand)

5) Honour Sex as Sacred

Sex is a gift. It is a sacred experience of deep pleasure. Orgasm is a portal into different dimensions. An explosion of colour and vibration that can transport you far away, healing you, and delivering much needed information to your soul.

You don't have to be having sex to honour it. You can start exploring teachings of Tantra, of slow sex, you can soul gaze, or have a date night with yourself where you explore your body. You can talk about sex with your friends in an open and vulnerable way, you can get a vibrator and play!

If you are having sex, make sure to discuss the raw spiritual aspect of it with your partner from time to time. Are you on the same page?

And lastly, as a Goddess tip, do not share your body and soul with someone who does not genuinely love you (no matter if you're in a relationship or not). Complex energetic bonding happens during sex, and you will inevitably pick up bonds that you do not want, if mutual respect and love is not there.

Let Sex be Love. The Primal Force is what moves us.

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xo Beth


  1. Hi Beth, I love this post. Completely resonates with the space that Im in. I've been researching and learning to connect with the feminine goddess energy as part of healing my pcos. Its been such an amazing journey.

  2. Thank you love! There are so may aspects to it! I agree - such an important part of our healing. Much love! xo
