Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Happened in the Middle of Nowhere

{To catch up on the first part of the story, click here!}

I had just spent 2 nights in Kelowna, BC, visiting my family, before the road tripping journey continued. I was on my way to Squamish, before I continued onward to the magical place of all magical places - Vancouver Island.

The first day back on the road was a hot one. Traveling through miles and miles of dry, scorching land, left me feeling depleted, although hopeful for the rain forests I knew lay ahead.

My perspective, however, began to change as I started seeing signs for organic coffee shops and grocery stores, literally, in the middle of nowhere. The signs reminded me of the magic and possibilities that lie all around us, if only we open our eyes. Feeling more hopeful, I drove on, passing cows with their babies along the way. In typical Beth fashion, I screamed to myself "I love baby cowsssss!!!"

Upon coming to an intersection, I hesitated. I wasn't sure which way to go - my GPS wasn't working - no service - so I stopped at a small Inn just passed the fork for directions.

Walking into the building, I felt an instant connection. Something about me liked this place. A man soon said 'Hello' to me, welcoming me to the Inn. "Wow, what a great spot I just discovered", I told him, and he replied "Want to see my pet cow?"

I kid you not. Those were the exact words that came out of his mouth.

Obviously, I was STOKED, and proceeded to tell him how much I loved animals, and of course, baby cows.

The cow, named Alder, was only 5 months old, chomping lazily on grass in the backyard, which opened onto expansive views of the river basin and valley below. While I pet the cow, and listened to this beautiful man I just met, I felt supremely blessed. Here I was, in the middle of nowhere, witnessing my hopeful squeals coming to life, while soaking up wisdom from an elder in the environmental movement.

And get this - he'd never brought the cow to the Inn before. First day, first time, it had visited.

After my 10 minute stop turned into a 2 hour visit, I was on my way out, when the Inn keepers told me to wait. A few minutes later, a box of extremely tiny and extremely adorable puppies were placed in front of me.

I pretty much died.

And so it went, I spent the next hour playing with puppies, laughing with new friends, and enjoying the beautiful May sunshine.

I didn't make it to Squamish that day, but it didn't matter. That's the point of life. Plans are fine, but we have to be open to them changing.

Because, honestly, the most amazing adventures await us when we expand our horizons.

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