Monday, April 1, 2013

Visiting the Void - The Story Continues

{This post is a continuation of the story that began here, which chronicles my adventures in Hawaii. Please read it before continuing :) }

It had been a few days since the break up, and although I was in a space of acceptance and welcoming the new, I was going through moments of sorrow, that hit me unexpectedly, as the waves do the shore.

I walked downstairs to the promise of company in the kitchen  I'd been finding enormous comfort in the presence of others. Their laughs and light hearted energy reminded me to stay in the present, and assured me that no matter where I was in the world, I could find community.

Nick, the wise, loving, and distinctly unique co-founder of Noniland was juicing up a storm with 2 of the other guys at the farm. After spending a few moments with them, my inner guidance told me to admit that I was sad, as I had been feeling extremely low energy that morning.

A shot of the adventures to come, by David Mertl on Flickr
Without hesitation, Nick replied: "It's about the stories we tell ourselves, you can tell a sad one, or a happy one." He reminded me that when I think certain thoughts, I emit a certain frequency, and that frequency attracts all the other thoughts in the world that are vibrating on that level. This can be of enormous help if you're thinking wonderful, positive things, but if you're on a sad tangent - you inevitably end of attracting all of the other energy that's on that level as well. This is one of the reasons why it's so hard to get yourself out of a dark space - when you've gone too far in, you're not just dealing with your own energy, but that of the world's as well.

He suggested I begin to master my mind, and think "I am a happy, healthy, strong, sexy woman who lives the best life ever!" over and over in my head until I felt it in my body.

I took his advice and instantly felt better. Knowing that I wanted to be around people, he then invited me on an adventure, that I now feel, truly changed the course of my life - we were to go to the "Blue Room"

I didn't take my camera to the Blue Room, but this is it as pictured by Hawaii Revelead
The Blue Room is an ancient series of fresh water caves, shrouded in mystery. I was told that the Navy had done sonar tests to see how deep the caves went, but could not find out. Their sonar simply never bounced back. When I heard this, I instantly thought "portal". These caves are truly a portal, a vortex of sorts, that lead to who knows where. The void, perhaps. But they were sacred, and they were beckoning us.

Upon arriving at the Blue Room, we were greeted by a sign that stated only one Hawaiin word - which I can't recall anymore - along with it's meaning "to treat as sacred".

Climbing to the ridge, the caves suddenly opened before us, and the feeling of awe was like none I'd ever experienced before. The energy was damp, cold, yet alluring. Deliciously dark in a way that caused me to want to know more.

Before descending into the cave, Nick cried out an ancient Hawaiian chant - I didn't know what it meant, but as he was doing it, I felt a powerful surge of distinctly masculine energy rushing back to us, telling us we could enter. It felt as though a series of ancient Hawaiian elders were guarding that place, ensuring it be respected and treated with dignity.

"That's a chant asking permission to enter", Nick explained.

Ah, of course.

And so... we descended.

{The story continues on Thursday}


  1. This story is reminding me of The Celestine Prophecy!!

  2. ohh man, what an epic compliment!! thank you
