Saturday, May 25, 2013

When I Say Fairies... I Mean Fairies

You can connect with the fairies through consistent actions to take care of the Earth

In a recent post I got really honest about what I believe in. What my soul remembers at this time in my life. (aka the fact that I was a whale) Rather than being as scary as I thought it would be to convey the ideas that I do, it was actually quite fun. It's liberating + empowering to be in your truth, scary as it may seem.

If you haven't read my last post, please do so now, because I'm about to dive right back into things.


H O N E S T   +   E S O T E R I C   

I N S I G H T S   F O R   A   M O D E  R N   W O R L  D

Since I have such roots in the world of the sea, such close ties to animals, and water, I am quite aligned with the elemental kingdom, as are many people that are intensely drawn to nature. This is the kingdom of the fairies, the devas, the elves, the mermaids, the sprites, the salamanders, and all sorts of other mystical beings that we learned about as children, but were then taught not to believe in. The elementals are care-givers for nature, they oversee natural phenomenon, and the natural world is their home.

I've come to learn that my ties to the elemental kingdom (or shall I saw queendom :D) is the main reason I get so upset about environmental degradation. Because anyone with ties to the world of the elementals feels like the animals and plants are their family. Because they are. Others of us, however, have stronger ties to the 'star people'. Many have lived human lives for a very long time, while others  are well acquainted with many different dimensions + roles.

In essence, where we've lived in the cosmos during our soul's history affects everything from our food preferences to our life purpose, to what type of relationships we'd like to cultivate.

If you'd like to read more, please read Doreen Virtue's book 'Realms of the Earth Angels'.

Fairies are most abundant in areas where flowers abound
One day, while I was still in university, I was looking out my window at the field beside my house. I lived on the edge of town, and had just finished reading a section of a Wayne Dyer book, and was feeling completely relaxed, completely peaceful. And that's when I saw them. Tiny little white sparkles that appeared to be dancing in the sky. I didn't recall ever seeing anything like it before. I knew it meant something, but I didn't know what. I've continued to see these sparks often since that day.

A few months after the incident, I was staying with a beautiful young family in a magical green forested valley in BC. I was playing with the oldest child, a 5 year old girl, in the garden. Somehow, the conversation turned magical - She told me about the fairies she could see. "What do they look like?" I asked. "Little white sparks" she said - "Sometimes there's so many in my drawer I can't even see my underwear", letting a little giggle out.

And that's when it clicked. Fairies. I could see fairies.

They didn't look like how I'd expected, but I was beginning to realize, most things don't work like you think they will in the Spirit world.

Mysteries abound at every corner. It felt as though my life was taking yet another turn - magic was real, and I could see and feel it. The little girl inside of me was shouting "I knew it!", while the more experienced part of my being wanted to keep this all a secret. After all, people would think I was crazy, wouldn't they?

It's been over a year and a half since the conversation that introduced me to the truth of those little white sparkles. And now I've learned to talk to them (it's actually quite easy). You see, fairies are actually Nature Angels, and they're here to help us, but especially, to help the environment. Animals have guardian angels like humans do, but from what I understand - most of the time, they're fairies. I've seen my cat's guardian 'fairy' a few times as a strong blue light that sits over her shoulder. What a beautiful world we live in.

I'll continue to post more 'How I See It' posts as the weeks go on. To learn more about fairies, again, I reference you to Doreen Virtue, this time, a book called "Healing with the Fairies"


  1. I've seen fairies for a looooong time (since I was 12 and actually they're dancing about and flying in front of my face as I type this) but it's not something I readily admit to people because I had so many bad experiences as a kid being "the weird girl." Some people may think I'm crazy, but I realize now speaking my truth allows me to connect authentically with those who think the same way. Thank you for this. <3

  2. Thank you Rebekah for your comment! Honour the weird girl haha my favourite quote I found this week - "Someone told me I was delusional... I nearly fell off my unicorn." Hahaha keep riding and recruiting! The fairy sistas need our help! xo
