Monday, August 27, 2012

A Meditation For Intense Emotion - When Tears Are Necessary

The next time something or someone triggers a deep emotion within you, whenever you can, find a place you can be alone in.

As you breathe deeply, experience the feelings that this situation or person has brought up for you. Know that this pain is not a product of an external situation, but rather a deeply buried collection of memories that has been triggered by outside circumstances. 

As you shift your focus from perceiving this outside circumstance as the source of your pain, drop the visions of it. 

Let go of the need to constantly relate this pain to that outside person or situation, and instead go inward. 

Focus on the pure feelings of the moment, and nothing else. What do they feel like? Where are they in your body?

Breathe into them. 

As you do this, let the feelings pour out of you in the form of tears, sobs, screams, or punches to the pillow - whatever - just let it out!  

When the intensity of the emotions begins to subside, say to yourself, lovingly: “I acknowledge what once was, and send it into the light now. I love and accept myself completely, and release these feelings into the infinite loving universe, trusting that that are now healed in the love and light of the divine’s truth.” Say this as many times as you need to. 

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