Monday, August 6, 2012

How To Handle Negative Thoughts

Worrying, thinking negatively, and musing about what we don’t want, is a surefire way to cause our moods to go way down. Not only that, but taking the Law of Attraction into consideration, thinking this way will inevitably attract more bad feeling thoughts, which will in turn attract negative circumstances.
Obviously, the answer is to start choosing positive thoughts - thoughts that feel good - but how can we do so when we’re already so wrapped up in (mind my french) our own shit?

I've been visualizing violet flames burning away negative
thoughts and feelings since I was a child.
First, we need to stop the domino effect that the negativity has started. This usually involves surrendering these thoughts to a higher power to be healed. Here are 3 ways of doing so, choose whichever one feels more authentically aligned with your belief system:

  • Say aloud “Inner guide, I surrender this negativity to you, and I know it is now healed, thank you. Please help me choose thoughts that fill me with love, joy, and purpose.” 
  • Visualize your negative thoughts being burned away by vibrant and deep purple flames. 
  • Visualize your negative thought in the palms of your hands, and then picture yourself giving them away to God.

Secondly, we need to consciously commit to a higher level of thinking. Look around you, and find things you love about the moment. It may feel difficult at first, but keep reaching for positive thoughts until they feel natural.

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