Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meditation Is My Lover

I hear a lot about meditation as a path to inner peace, and I totally agree that one benefit of sitting in stillness is a zenned out mind.

But meditation is WAY more exciting than that - meditation is a way to access our perfect lives - lives of fun, inspiration, purpose, beautiful relationships and MORE!

How? Watch my latest vlog "Why Mediation is So Awesome" - and visit me at www.wavesoffire.ca for private meditation coaching that will speak to the deepest levels of your being!


  1. I love it...you are amazing! My favourite is the "...of course you are doing that...that is what you have been doing your whole life..."!! So thankful for meditation and you.
    Hugs, Candace

  2. Yayy! Yes - critcial lesson people, BE EASY ON YOURSELF! You are such a rockstar for trying to make the changes in the first place, so focus on that.
    xx Lots of love
