Monday, August 13, 2012

Eat Your Way to a Divine Life

I've always known that exercise and eating right were a guide to physical health. Still, I resisted physical movement for much of my life. It wasn't until recently that this all changed, as I began to understand the real effects of taking care of my body.

Green Smoothies are easy, incredibly energizing, and super customizable!

Organic Coconut Milk, Water, and Chia Seeds with Watermelon - A fantastic way to start the day!

The truth is, movement and healthy eating aren't just keys to physical health, but to emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. Here's why:

  • Exercise releases stored stress in the body. Worrying, guilt, and fear based thinking often work their way into our muscles. Once this happens, the only way to release the stored toxins is through movement. When we exercise, we're literally releasing negativity - and unblocking energetic pathways in the body. 
  • Healthy eating keeps our bodies clear, light, and happy. Healthy eating doesn't mean looking at nutritional charts, and adopting a one size fits all plan - it means listening intuitively to your body - what does it want to eat? (Hint: It's probably not ice cream, that's your mind at play) If you can't quite hear it yet, that's ok! Start with fresh organic veggies and fruit, and light sources of protein, such as nuts, chia seeds, tempeh, mung beans, and sustainably sourced fish. Eat raw meals as much as possible. When you need a sweet treat, try dates, coconut 'milk'shakes, or raw macaroons.

When we keep our physical channels clear, magical things happen. Our subconscious is no longer tied up paying attention to the discomfort in our bodies. It can now hear the subtle vibrations of our intuitive guidance, and our angels. We can clearly receive divine communication that will lead us to our ultimate lives. 

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